Thursday, February 24, 2011

An introduction to my blog.

Have you ever been in a place where you felt really out of place?
That is where I am. I'm not a computer kind of guy let alone someone that would have a blog. This is a brand new world for me from top to bottom. I'm normally a guy who laughs at people who blog, it just always seemed "geeky" to me. So here I am sitting in front of my computer hunt and peck typing my way into the world of cyber space, suddenly I feel dirty. What next an I-phone, a Kindle, maybe I'll even learn to text message or buy a GPS?
If I'm going to do this there is only one way to go, stright ahead and full throttle. I'm going to tell you about what kind of food you should try, places you might want to eat, all the while putting my stamp on the info I give you. It may be snarky or even a little twisted but I know it will all be worth tuning in for.  So come along little kiddies and lets all join hands and skip marrily down the "yellow brick road" we call life and along the way we'll stop at every greasy spoon, dive, and hole in the wall looking for good food, good drink and most importantly good friends. I just ask you to keep your eyes open because you never know we may just find out if vegetarians do indeed eat animal crackers!!!!!!


  1. Nice! I love the title and the background! I would say it's all you, but I sense some of Lucy's influence as well. Yes? You are now officially a geek- in a good way, of course. Welcome. I think you'll enjoy the experience and find that it's a different kind of creative outlet. I'm listing your blog on mine as one I follow. Make me proud man :-)

  2. Great Idea! Thanks for inlcuding me, I look forward to reading on your endeavors and can you please send me a message on fb for your version of egg noodles, sour cream, and chives? It would be much appreciated. Awesome job, my fellow "Geek".
