All I know is that we enjoy freedoms most other people in this world will never see. Most people are content to gripe and groan about the way things are without a willingness to see where change starts. Change comes from us not our political leaders. We must stand up and fight for our freedoms against the powers that truly ruin our freedom...the greedy and the evil.
I could talk all day long about the two powers and give you biblical examples of why we must fight, however most of you that will read this don't own a bible or believe in God. Most of you would rather try to govern yourselves in a self serving fashion.I know this to be true. I've witnessed the Godlessness of this country first hand. Non-believers try and crush the believers at every turn. I'm sick of hearing how it's the believers fault we are in this mess. Evil knows no God, it only knows it's own selfish desires. Greed knows only it's selfishness. We are not fighting a war of the flesh, we are fighting an enemy that is unseen. We are fighting dark forces that control those who wish only to serve themselves. God commands us to be servants of our brothers and sisters in His name. We are told to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We are not told to fear or disparage each other, we are told to love and care for our fellow man. We shouldn't judge a flock of real believers by the actions of a few people serving themselves in the name of God, we need to know believers by their good works. Anyone call call themselves a Christian, it's those who prove it by good works that should be our example. Christianity is not about lip service, it's about action in Christ. It's about what we do to continue the ministry started by Christ. Our ministry isn't about showing up to church on Sunday sitting in a pew and waiting for the service to end so we can get on with our day. Our ministry starts at home by living in the Word everyday, even when no one is watching.

I want this world to change, I want this country to change but without a Godly world I'm afraid my prayers fall upon deaf ears. I will not give up on educating a non-believer why I believe, I too at one time ignored God. I know hearts can be changed by being a living example of a morally upright man, it happened to me. A morally upright man ( also my best friend) led me to Christ and my life has been better for it. I now speak with a voice that is based on a strong foundation and will do so even when no one is watching.
We live in a violent world without peace (Gods peace), and yet I hear the Godless express their desire for a peaceful world. Well my friends I tell you this, Gods peace starts with you. God Bless.
Allen, it's good to see you writing again! There is a lot to ponder here. I agree, what we really should be fighting is a war that it is not of the flesh, but spiritual, against rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places. It's true, the change, the revival, the revolution- start with the guy in the mirror. Consistent with the Lord's prayer we can pray and act in such a way that His "...kingdom come and will be done on earth as it is in heaven..." That's how we SHOULD live. So, we have been given the opportunity and power in Christ to be part of the solution as His ambassadors. We either do that or be apathetic and do nothing. As you say (and as scripture says), we are to demonstrate our faith and also convey the message of the gospel not just by our words, but our works. (James 2:18). I think of the song "Not Dark Yet" Bob Dylan where he says "It's not dark yet, but it's getting there." and think of the state of this world. The enemy has already been defeated by the Messiah on the cross at Calvary, yet a war wages on as the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4) does everything he can to blind and deceive people, wanting to take their souls with him when it's all said and done. However, we are called by Almighty God and empowered by His Spirit to be light bearers and to bring healing and truth that others may be saved. They are saved by faith (which is itself a gift from God) which comes from hearing His word and accepting His invitation!