What does America need to right itself?
Answer: An end to this "political correctness."
We real Americans are sick and tired of tip-toeing around these left-wing wet noodles who bow down to every small interest group with an axe to grind.
I get it, some bad apples do spoil the whole bunch, but, come on. Shouldn't we be trying to weed out the bad apples instead of throwing the whole bushel away.Why should we let the minority of the population have the loudest voice. Wasn't this country based on majority rule?
Don't get me wrong I know prejudice exists, but remember it goes both ways. Black people hate white people too. It's not a secret. They feel slighted by the white man. What they won't tell you is slavery was around way before black people landed here on American soil. As a matter of fact the English and Dutch traded more white slaves than black slaves many years before the first black slaves arrived in Europe. The tribes of Africa would make the conquered tribes the slaves of the winning tribe. Yet not one black person will acknowledge this fact. Hell, it happens to this day.
The sins of omission. The blacks will blame white people for their problems, yet the Irish, Chinese, Italians, and Germans all lived in ghettos in America. Fact is "ghetto" is an Italian word. Look it up.
Something goes sideways in a black community, they riot, loot, and burn down their own neighborhood. Then the press moves in. They start pointing fingers, adding fuel to the fire.
Same thing happens in a low class white community, they rally together for a candlelight vigil.No shops robbed, no burning buildings, no cars tipped over, just people coming together for a cause.
So why is it that people whom act like animals suddenly become the victim?
I'm tired of "white guilt". I never owned a slave.
I've worked for minimum wage most of my adult life. I made it work. I didn't get assistance from the state or federal government. Most of my life I've been a slave to corporate America. You don't see me robbing businesses, burning cars, or shooting cops. You want to find the person who is holding you back, look in the mirror. Don't blame others for your short comings, take responsibility for your own actions. Like my grandfather always said " the world needs ditch diggers too."
Not every one can be Donald Trump, not everyone can be rich. Some of us are better suited to work for the rich in order to make the rich, richer. If everyone had the skills to be a millionaire, we all would live in huge homes. It takes all types of people to make a country great, it has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with skills and there ability for you to draw a paycheck.
It's not a black and white thing. It's a " I want to make America great" thing. Accept who you are, own it, be the best "ditch digger" you can be. Have pride in what you do, if not for yourself, for your country.
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