Why do we cook?

Well I guess there are a million answers to that question. We cook to feed our families, because raw meat can kill us, we have too, or for a great many of us it's a passion. A passion to create the ultimate dish that sends others into a catatonic state from pure bliss. I know I cook because I grew up with a mother who was the best cook I ever knew. She made everything so delicious, from pasta to steak, and everything in between. She never made a dish I wouldn't eat. She also could bake, her lemon squares should be contraband.
My love for cooking comes from her. I love cooking for my family as well as friends, it makes me happy. It doesn't have to be some big complicated feast, it could be a simple comfort food like beef stew. Eating brings people together and, if the food is good, puts us in a good mood. Wars have been stopped over dinners, arguments ended over a simple bar-b-que. Lets face it, we love to eat good food, and when we do we are open for just about anything. When people come together over well prepared food they seem to leave in a better mood, that is after their naps.

Food and cooking is a way to bring people of all walks of life together. No one has ever turned down a well cooked meal. We don't need a holiday like Thanksgiving to bring us together to sup. We could use any excuse to get friends and family together to chow down upon some fine vittles. Haven't seen the cousins in a while, let's eat, Mom and Dad in town, how about dinner?
It's easy if you think about it, we all need to eat, so why not share our culinary expertise with those we love, kind of like, or just tolerate, who knows by the end of dinner you may find you have many more good friends!