I like Henry Rollins. He speaks to a side of me that wants to yell at all the bad guys. I just now understand that you can't yell at the top of your lungs all the time without losing your voice. Sometimes a subtle touch is needed to make an argument, other times a more direct approch is nessessary to get someone to see the light. Knowing when to use each is an art form unto itself. Christ himself wasn't always mild mannared, he also knocked over tables and kicked chairs to get a point across. He also would use mild tactics when teaching his enemies how they were doing wrong. Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you have to yell louder than them to get a point across. Try a little compassion when talking with someone you don't agree with and see if that doesn't go farther than a screeming match. Henry Rollins has a lot of good ideas and could be very helpful but most of that gets lost in his "angry guy" rants. My advice to Henry is continue doing what you're doing, just find a way be be more like Christ; yell when you must, be compassionate and calm when you can. Most importantly always stand on the side of rightiousness and never compromise your principles for any reason. And heck it never hurts to have the Word of the Lord on your side.
Balanced, thoughtful and just plain well said!