It's nice to see so many people throughout the world coming together to help the Japanese people whom were effected by the earthquake/typhoon. It is in times of trouble that mankind seems to be at it's best. We have seen an outpouring of support for Japan and Haiti as they struggle to come to grips with major catastrophes and loss of life. These people will never have the same life they had before the disasters. They have lost homes, security, and family members all in the blink of an eye. The Japanese and Haitians are going to need alot of help for many years just to get back to what most people take for granted, so we need to help anyway we can.

With that said I also believe we cannot forget that everyday many Americans go without shelter and food as well. I am not posting this as a political debate so leave your opinions of the homeless to yourself and hear me out. Homelessness in America mostly gets swept under the rug because some people don't want to believe that the most powerful country in the world can have that kind of problem. We do. The homeless population continues to climb as the economy continues to tank. Some of the homeless are even employed but don't make enough money to support themselves or their children properly. They occupy shelters, if they are lucky, or even live in their cars and frequent food banks as well as soup kitchens. We need to remember that people are struggling even in our neighborhoods, you may even know someone whom has lost everything or your kids go to school with a child that spends his/her nights in a shelter, car, or worse. So I say for every dollar sent to help foreign countries recover we should send the same amount to the local shelter, food bank, or soup kitchen. Many of these places are running low on funds to remain open or to accept new comers. In other words they need our help as well, so why not help locally as well as globally. Let us not forget that charity begins at home.

Good thoughts...and I agree.
ReplyDeleteHere is a question; Are we still the most powerful country in the world?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous you raise a good question, are we still the most powerful country in the world?
ReplyDeleteAn unstable economy, massive job losses, and a large number of homeless. If I didn't know better I'd swear we were talking about a European country. So what would it take to truily define America as a "Superpower" once again?
The homeless situation I will not touch because we all are a pay check away from becoming homeless and another government recipent..as for a super power we no longer are for a couple of facts.1 as for man to man coverage china has us beat by I do believe the ratio is 12 to1..as a military stand point we are again neck n neck with korea,china.2 how can we be called a super power when our own government creates mass hysteria n sell our own weapons of all kinds of destruction to our enimies..our government also creates war on a personal basis to get even for what other members in government n congress couldn't get rite..we live in america where this country wants a solution but only on a solution that fits THEIR views...