The pubs will be packed with "Want to Be's" chowing down on corned beef and cabbage along with carrots. They will be drinking beer, if you want to call Bud Light a "beer". It is as predictable as sunrise and sunset. Someone you know, or maybe you, will be found staggering down the street singing Irish songs drunk beyond any sence of reason. This my friends is St. Patricks Day in America.
Up until 1970 St. Patricks Day was a solemn day, a religious day and day to reflect on what it meant to be Christian in Ireland. St. Patrick wasn't even Irish, he was a Romano-Briton slave brought to Ireland to work the fields. His claim to fame isn't chasing snakes out off the island, he is in fact credited with bringing Christianity to the Irish. Before 1970 the Irish government even ordered bars and pubs be closed.
Nice writing! Good to get some insight into the real figure of St. Patrick; you're right that what he really stood for is all but forgotten today. The stew and the Guinness sounds good too :-)