The end is near. According to some it's Saturday, bummer. Haven't we heard enough of these wacko predictions in the past to realize it's most likely false. I just keep flashing back to Y2K. It never happened, we all have lived though this before. I just keep wondering on who's authority do these people get the right to scream "the sky is falling." The Bible talks of the end of days, but real Christians don't run around proclaiming the end is near. They don't know when it's going to happen so they live their lives the best they can every day. Shouldn't we all take a hint from them and just live really good lives, bringing peace to the world, doing good things, and being really cool people overall?

It's simple, life is hard. We watch bad things happen to good people, friends and family die, and bad people get ahead. Some people just get angry, others just ignore it, and still others turn to God to help them understand the world around them. It's called faith. Faith is a beautiful thing because it allows you to have strength you never thought you had. I used to fear death, when I became "Born Again" that fear disappeared. Now I am free to live my life the best I can because I believe God knows better than I do. I pray everyday for wisdom and inner peace so I can go out into my community and do good works in His name. The coolest thing is that I haven't stopped being myself, I'm just a better version of me. I've cut down on the stupid stuff in my life. Who can't use a little of that?

So I say to all the people who keep bringing up the "End Times". Live a little. If the world ends you can't stop it, so why worry. Concentrate on what you can change, your destructive behavior. I guess what I'm trying to say is have a little faith and you too won't care when the "End Of Days" happens because you'll be a Godly man who will spend eternity with our Lord. Now what could be better than that!!!
I like your approach on this. Far too many people have been losing their minds over these end of the world proclamations. My question to all of them is why are they all so desperate for the world to end? Are the really that devoid of faith that everyone and everything has to be expelled from this planet just for them to finally see God? It's just a thought I suppose, but seriously it does seem that people are desperate for the world to end and them to have a reason to panic.
Good stuff. This is a good quote:
ReplyDelete"I guess what I'm trying to say is have a little faith and you too won't care when the "End Of Days" happens because you'll be a Godly man who will spend eternity with our Lord. Now what could be better than that!!!"
I agree. Because none of us know when either THEE end or OUR end will occur, it's best to be prepared. Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice on our behalf so that our sins could be forgiven and that we could be freed from sin and self. He freed us, as you say, to live fruitful lives, doing good works to bless others for His glory.
As you rightly said, (and as Jesus said) no one knows the day or hour except the Father. However, if nothing else, maybe Harold Camping and Family Life Radio have made us all thing a little more about life and eternity. And maybe that's not such a bad thing.