Vegans and vegetarians are a species I don't get. Since when did vegetables become a main course, where I come from the garden dwellers are a side dish. Period. Now here we are overrun with a bunch of carrot munching people who believe veggies to be the best thing ever. Don't get me wrong, I understand the religious and philosophical applications of vegetarianism, I have no problem with that. I do, however, shake my head at the people who choose to eat like a bunny for no other reason than they think it's healthier. I got a hint for you all, you are going to die no matter how you eat. Sure it's a morbid way to see things but my point is this, life is short, you might as well go out and enjoy as much as you can in moderation.

The other reason people give for the herbivorous lifestyle is the cruel way some animals are raised. Understood. As a cook who enjoys dining on animals I can tell you this, the better the animal is treated the better it tastes. Low grade poorly raised beef tastes like horse meat, not that I go around eating horses.
Cruelty to animals is wrong on all levels and should be dealt with harshly. I recommend doing some research before buying any meat in a grocery store. Ask where it came from, know if it is reputably solid farm. Only buy free range chicken or poultry. Know your pork, learn the difference between good swine and bad. Never be afraid to ask your local butcher where he gets his product from, if he doesn't know maybe you should change butchers.

Also if you know your Bible it is in the good book that God gave us dominion over all the creatures of the earth, sea, and sky. If God says it's okay to eat meat, that's good enough for me.
Okay, to show you I'm not some prehistoric caveman clubbing T-Rex's for the family bar-b-que, here is a recipe I have for an Indian style vegan soup. I actually like it a lot, it fills you up quick and tastes great, enjoy.
Curry Bean Soup
1 cup each of rinsed Navy beans, Great Northern beans
1 cup Green Lentils
1 whole red onion roughly chopped

1 Green pepper roughly chopped
1 Yellow pepper roughly chopped
1 Red pepper roughly chopped
3oz. Baby spinach fine chopped
6 cups cold water
24oz. veggie broth
1/4 cup Indian curry powder
1/4 cup cumin
2tbl. Cayenne pepper powder
Salt and Pepper to taste
In a medium stock pot combine beans and lentils, broth, and 6 cups of water. Bring to a boil. Add in spices and let simmer for about 40 minutes. Add veggies (except spinach). Bring to boil again, stirring frequently. Let simmer on low heat for about an hour, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. Finish soup by adding spinach and let seep for 15 minutes. You can serve the soup with a flat bread or alone.