Has America lost it's mind? What is wrong with this next generation, have they become so jaded about life that they would rather listen to a "party-girl" than a professional?
In all my years as an adult I have never felt so disgusted at a news item. I haven't lost all hope in the great American way of life, it's just getting hard to keep alive. We used to be pioneers, a people willing to dig in and never take "no" for an answer. Now the only things we seem to care about are slacker celebrities falling off the wagon and messing up their lives. We seem to have become sick voyeurs waiting for the famous, which we made, to fall flat on their faces. It somehow makes some people feel better about their lives. It's out of control. Why should we care about people who are nothing more than famous for being famous?

When a Nobel prize winner is treated like a second banana to an over- bronzed, drunken mess who has never accomplished a thing in her life outside of starring on a reality show, we are in serious trouble kids. It's time to stop being these shallow, empty headed selfish individuals and start contributing to society again. We are zooming toward a dangerous abyss at full speed while most of us sit back and let it happen. It's time to wake up and smell the reality. We are sinking. Sinking in a pool of stupid. The way we are headed our next president is going to be the guy from the Old Spice ads. I don't know about you but to me fame for fame's sake is like being right-handed when you only have a left arm.....useless.
Just in case you are interested her advice to the graduating class: "Study hard, but party harder." Now I'm not sure but I believe this was Richard Nixon's campaign slogan.
Personally I feel that Mtv and all of it's sister channels have made all of my generation too dependent on the tv screen. I hardly ever hear of anyone actually going outside to do anything anymore. The Jersey Shore was such a tremendous waste of time and space in this world. All they did was exploit every stereo-type about Italians. So it in a sense is encouraging younger kids to pay attention to all of these stereo-typical standards and never really understand what it means to be diverse. My generation really needs to turn off the tv and get off our asses to make some positive moves in fixing this world in which we currently reside.
I know a good place to start, the church. Your generation needs to stop bashing Christianity and start realizing God is real and is waiting for you to seek him. So I say with an open heart and mind come to God and he will open a world of new opportunity to you. Jesus died for us to be forgiven and told us to come to him broken and humble so he can heal us. Your generation needs a role model, who better than Jesus. With all the hatred and bitterness in the world why not be a rebel and seek Godly love and direction and show your friends and neighbors what it means to be truly happy!!!