I don't know about you but when I was a kid I joked around a lot. I remember laughing and having a good time. Sometimes too good of a time and then it was off to detention. I may have been a little hyperactive but no one tried to shove pills down my throat to calm me down, I was just being a kid.
Today's kids walk around like little ghetto rats or depressed Grunge zombies. Kids are so filled with rage or self pity they never smile or look you in the eye. Sad really. Childhood is suppose to be the greatest time of your life, not some drama filled stink pile. Is the world out there really that bad or have we as parents and role models failed so miserably that our offspring have forsaken their childhoods?

I blame us as parents. We teach our kids to lookout for bad people, to get good grades or they will end up failures. I believe we have forgotten to tell these kids it's alright to laugh and have a good time. It's easy to dismiss a child when our lives remain unfulfilled and so we pass that thought process on to them. Not cool. Maybe if as parents we worried less about our lives and spent more time on our kids happiness, they wouldn't be bringing guns to school or be as violent as they are. Sitting a child in front of a television and letting them watch violent programs or playing ultra- violent video games is not an alternative to outdoor activity. Let them get the fresh air and learn to interact with the other kids in the neighborhood, just keep an eye on them and they will be fine. Who knows by letting them play games you may find yourself joining in and recapturing that child-like innocents you lost when you grew up. It couldn't hurt to try. So let's all try and get our children involved in having fun.

Now I know not everyone will agree with what I say next, but have an open mind. I belong to a wonderful church and go on Sundays with my girlfriend's son. We enjoy the time together and he interacts with some wonderful people. The pastor and his wife are involved with his life as well. They treat him to breakfast and take him after church when they can. We have found a place for us where we are excepted for who we are and he responds well to that. Now I'm not saying he's perfect, he acts up now and again, but over all he is a polite well adjusted kid with a bright disposition. Maybe more people should make time in their lives to spend a few moments a week in church. I'm not saying it will work for everyone,(though I believe it should), all I know it's turned my life and my families life around for the better.
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